RetroShield is designed to retrofit insulation in existing metal buildings and upgrade insulation in new metal buildings. RetroShield reduces radiant heat transfer by over 90% and provides a more appealing finish than other comparable insulation systems.

The system is mechanically attached to the building’s frame without glue or cables. It doesn’t require additional framing or other alterations to complete the installation process. This installation system helps ensure long-term stability and product performance.


  • Reduces monthly operating costs by helping decrease energy use.
  • Provides a bright and attractive finished appearance. (Available in white or reflective finishes. Custom colors available.)
  • Improves thermal performance in commercial spaces.
  • Is quick and easy to install, minimizing downtime.
  • Works with all types of metal framing.
  • Does not absorb moisture like standard mass insulation.
RetroShield System for Metal Building Insulation by ABS Insulating

RetroShield offers maximum energy efficiency for any roof or wall retrofit application. When installed the RetroShield system offers continuous insulation and minimizes air leaks. It can be back-loaded with additional insulation for specific thermal performance or R-value requirements.

For technical information about RetroShield metal building insulation, click here. To discuss using RetroShield metal building insulation in your next project, contact our office today!

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